Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Album Frustrations *

I SWEAR. EVEN WITH five years of ever-increasing Mac usage, there are so many places that seem to want nothing to do with us quirky Apple users. The latest case in point is a company called http://www.mypublisher.com/. I truly dig their stuff: nice format, nice printing, nice price, nice everything.

Except, as it turns out, the ability to do it on a Mac.

MyPublisher does, I’ll admit, feature an iPhoto plug in, allowing Mac users to access a limit number of its products. But, not all. Alas, the products that are not available via the plug in are the ones I want: the big hardcover albums. I wrote customer service, and was told that there are no plans to expand the albums available to Mac users. Bummer.

* Dec. 5, 2006 Update *

I did find a workaround, albeit an annoying one. I installed a PC emulator on my Mac (don't try this at home, kids... ugh), which now allows me to use the famed MyPublisher.com.

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