Friday, February 16, 2007

Burbank City Council - Campaign Finance Edition

Below is a listing of the money spent and raised by the various candidates for Burbank City Council, as of Jan. 13. The listing is in ballot order.

Carolyn Berlin
Raised: $2,876.90
Loaned self: $5,000
Total war chest: $7,876.90
Spent: ($5,899.41)
Left: $1,977.49

Anja Renike
Raised: $4,700
Loaned self: $900
Total war chest: $5,600
Spent: ($4,700)
Left: $900

Phil Berlin
Raised: $2,781.80
Loaned self $5,000
Total war chest: $7,781.80
Spent: ($5,899.41)
Left: $1,882.34

Margaret Sorthum
Raised: $0
Loaned Self: $0
Total war chest $0
Spent: $0
Left: $0

Vahe Hovanessian
Raised: $0
Loaned self $520
Total war chest: $520
Spent: ($495)
Left: $25

Whit Prouty
Raised: $5,500 (plus $250 in non-monetary contributions)
Loaned self: $2,500
Total war chest: $8,000
Spent: ($5431.35)
Left: $2,568.65

Gary Bric
Raised: $7,949 (plus $289 in non-monetary contributions)
Loaned self: $4,826.92
Total war chest: $12,775.92
Spent: ($3,723.51)
Left: $9,052.44

Working Californians
Independent Expenditure Committee
Supports Gary Bric and, to a lesser extent, Anja Renike
Spent in February: $13,023

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's time to update your figures, they have changed pretty dramatically!