Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Jury, Day 6

So, I understand that I can't really write about my impressions about the happenings during the day, but I am going out on a limb and assuming that a discussion regarding the peripherals...

Anyhow, we spent more than half our day waiting. Waiting for Terry the Clerk to wave us in (I assume he's a clerk, as he grimmaced when one of the attorneys called him "Terry the Bailiff"), waiting for other jurors to show up, waiting for... well, I have no idea. It's happening behind closed doors. From my previous trial experience, I imagine they're quarreling over some procedurial matter.

I've been wearing sandels for the last few days, since opening statements last Thursday. I thought that the judge might be annoyed by this (or Donna, at least, thought he might), but he has made no mention.

I realize this is a small post, but I have too much damn stuff to do. One word of advice: the cafe at the top of the civil courthouse (Top O' The Court) is freakin' AWFUL. Don't eat there. It's terrible.

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